
PWR Your Plate

PWR Your Passion

PWR Your Progress


Lauren Leitner, Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Lauren Leitner, certified health and wellness coach
Copy of [PWR] Cover of Intuitive Eating Freebie Banner (Website)


Get ready to step into a place of empowerment around food with this 14 day Intuitive Eating journey. You can shift your relationship with food, reconnect to yourself and relearn to listen to your body.

Taste what it’s like to eat with intention

Mini Program

This program was absolutely perfect to reevaluate my eating habits and create new rituals to support my overall health! It was a great experience and Lauren’s expertise and patience made it a fast and stressless three days.


Live Louder - Feel Better!

Hi! My name is Lauren, and I’m here to be your wellness partner.

No, really – I want to talk about what it truly means when it comes to looking and FEELING your best. Think of me as your personal health guide – someone who is always on your side and has years of experience helping people eat in ways to feel their best. I’ve been where you are.

I have been teaching fitness for decades and became a Health Coach when I
needed to be an advocate for my own health. Now, I understand there are
many layers of our health. I suffered from an autoimmune disease
that triggers chronic inflammation. This was one of many reasons
why I dove deep into the healing powers of food.

I took my health into my own hands, and I am totally here to help
you do the same thing. Whether that means plant-based eating or
steering clear of “diets” (it hurts even saying that word), we’ll find the
right path that makes sense for YOU and YOUR body.

We’re all a continuous work in progress, which I think is a beautiful dance.
With me in your corner, you’ll learn to celebrate every stage on your
journey to wellness.

What Makes My Approach Different?


to the Max

No one is the same size (quite literally),
so why do we apply standard fixes and
strategies to our health? It takes small
steps to make big strides, and I’m
committed to helping my clients truly
find the right path for them.


Your Mental
Well-Being Is My
Top Priority

I’m not here to tell you what to do or
make you do anything that doesn’t
feel amazing. I’m here to help you
truly discover what wellness is –
both mentally and physically.
Together, we’ll focus on your
mindset and perspective on health.
We won’t settle for mediocrity.


Food and Diet Is
Only Part of My

So many people think that food and diet
are the only things that influence weight
and wellness, but let’s move away from
that cliche – and have some fun while
doing it. I steer clearing of polarizing
“diets” and help my clients unearth the
true roots of their personal and unique
health challenges.


The PWR Wheel

Let me introduce you to your new
favorite tool: the PWR WHEEL. I
designed this wheel to help you
assess everything that matters to
your health — the crap that has to
go, the places that can be
refreshed, and how you can get
more MOXIE in your life.


I Embrace the

Unlike many other health coaches, I’m
not only focusing on getting to the
finish line. Change is a process – and I
love every part of the journey. Sorry,
but there’s no “magic pill” that works
long-term. It takes time, and you need
to learn how to make the changes that
work for YOU.


My goal is to walk with you on a path of self-discovery while you find what matters to you and reflect on your current lifestyle.

Lauren Leitner, certified health and wellness coach

A 3-week wellness journey to find
better energy and maximum vitality

Embracing a Healthier relationship with yourself and while UNDIETing your life for good!

Enrollment Opens March 4th!

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I was always hesitant to join a detox program, but something about Lauren Leitner’s program changed my mind. Her approach is positive, supportive and inviting. The materials and recipes provided made it more fun and less intimidating.

I will admit I was leery about giving up my nightly glass of wine, but it was not difficult at all and I felt much better upon waking in the morning. I have received many benefits after completing the cleanse. I lost weight, had more energy and my usual brain fog disappeared.

I love this cleanse and I will continue to practice the mindful eating that I learned from Lauren and her program. I can’t say enough about Lauren and the “PWR 3 Program."


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I joined because I wanted to eat healthier after noticing some changes in my eating patterns since Covid hit. This program was amazing and easy to follow. The recipes were great and the support was incredible. I learned what foods are better for you and this program made it easy to eliminate. Also, I lost 5 lbs!

If you are having any doubts whether or not to join all I can say is to go for it. You won’t be sorry. What you thought you couldn’t live without, you find out you can.”

Marlene - Luxury Travel Specialist